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Product Instruction

SFLOSeries full spectral flow cytometers are: equipped withadvancedtechnologies such as achromatic shaping optical path, simultaneous acquisition of fullspectrum, high-speed acquisition of array sensors and a powerful flow analysis
workstation.Up to 5 lasers can be configured to SFlO, providing researchers with 64fluorescence channels and 40 colors for multi-parameter analysis.High-precision syringe pump sampling and pulsation-free sheath flow systemmake the SFLO analysis more stable.
The full-spectrum acquisition system cooperating with efficient softwarealgorithms, fundamentally avoid compensation problems caused by overlappingfluorescence spectra.
Spectral technology, easy-to-use software, and automatioh across the workflowmake the SFLO a user-friendly, high-performance flow cytometer that will bringresearch to the next level.


· Each fluorochrome will produce a characteristic emission spectrum under the excitation of the corresponding laser.

· Different from the conventional flow cytometer using dichroic mirrors and filters to split light, sFlo full spectral flow technology isbased on advanced cwDM design, which divides all the signals of fluorochrome into several narrow wavelength ranges of lightUsing MppCs as detectors to obtain the complete characteristic emision spectrum of each fluorochrome, so as to distinguishdifferent fluorochromes.

The collected optical signal is is converted into an electronic signal. Then spectral analysis will be performed based on the reference spectrum in the spectral library, so as to obtain the corresponding fluorescence intensity of each fluorochrome.

Technical Parameters

Sample Acquisition


By using 2 cylindrical lenses to achieve laser spot shaping, SFLO can reduce the laser energy loss and maximize excitation light efficiency, so as to improve the detection sensitivity.



Cell &Biology Example

Develop a 43-color panel for the characterization of conventional and unconventional T cell subsets, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, and innate lymphocytes using full spectral flow cytometry.

The Panel covers most of the immune subpopulations of the peripheral immune system, which is helpful for a comprehensive understanding of the immune system, especially when the sample volume obtained from the patient is small.

Sahir F , Mateo J M , Steinhoff M , et al. Development of a 43 color panel for the characterization of conventional and unconventional T cell subsets, B cells, NK cells, monocytes, dendritic cells, and innate lymphoid cells using spectral flow cytometry[J]. Cytometry Part A.

C a n cer - a s s o cia ted fib ro b la s ts ( C A F s ) a re th e mo s t p rom in en t cell type in th e TME o f v a rio u s ma lig n a n cies , a n d th eir a b u n d a n ce is in v ers ely p ro p o rtio n a l to p a tien t s u rv iv a l. Wh eth er C A F s in h uma n ca n cers ca n d irectly a ffect C D 8 + tumo r - s p ecific T cell fu n ctio n th ro u g h tumo r - ex o g en o u s a n tig en p res en ta tio n o n MH C - I rema in s u n clear.

Interactions between CD8+ T cells and cross-presented CAFs suppressed T cell function, as demonstrated by decreased cytotoxicity, decreased expression of activation markers (CD137), and increased expression of exhaustion markers (TIM3, LAG3, and CD39).

Tom J H, Marten V, Linda B et al. Enhanced antigen cross-presentation in human colorectal cancer-associated fibroblasts through upregulation of the lysosomal protease cathepsin S[J]. J Immunother Cancer. 2022 Mar;10(3):e003591.

Drug-associated Example

Combining Cetuximab and Ficlatuzumab to treat patients with refractory/relapsed head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), and evaluate the changes of immunophenotype before and after treatment.

Increases in CD8+ T cell subsets in the peripheral blood are associated with treatment response, whereas expansion of a population of myeloid cells is associated with disease progression. The increase of peripheral CD8+ T cells in the treatment responders indicated that the combination regimen has potential immunomodulatory activity, which has important guiding significance for clinical medication.

Bauman J E, Ohr J, Gooding W E et al. Phase I Study of Ficlatuzumab and Cetuximab in Cetuximab-Resistant, Recurrent/Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer[J]. Cancers (Basel), 2020, 12: undefined.

Self-assembling peptide nanofiber vaccines may represent a novel, needle -free and adjuvant-free approach to elicit protective immunity against fungal and bacterial infections at skin and mucosal barrier surfaces, using full spectral flow cytometry to study nanoparticle vaccine immunity underlying mechanism of origin.

Intranasal vaccination with EαQ11 triggered uptake and presentation of pEα on lung CD103+ and CD11b+ DCs, upregulation of CD80, and migration to draining lymph nodes.

Si Y, Tian Q, Zhao F et al. Adjuvant-free nanofiber vaccine induces in situ lung dendritic cell activationand T17 responses[J]. Sci Adv, 2020, 6: eaba0995.

Medical-associated Example

Using full-spectrum flow cytometry, the distinct mechanisms of long-term viral control in two subjects in the placebo arm of a randomized controlled therapeutic vaccine trial were investigated.

Through opt-SNE and FlowSOM analysis, it was found that the T cell phenotype characteristics of the two subjects were significantly different, and the CD8+ T cells of the two subjects showed completely different surface receptors at different monitoring time points and intracellular factor expression patterns.

Jana B, Feng G, Manukumar H M et al. Distinct mechanisms of long-term virologic control in two HIV-infected individuals after treatment interruption of anti-retroviral therapy[J]. Nat Med. 2021 Nov;27(11):1893-1898.

Exposure to early life trauma (ELT) is associated with higher relapse rates in patients with multiple sclerosis, mechanistic studies using C57BL/6J mice and an experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) model.

ELT-mediated phenotypic changes in EAE may result from dysregulation of immunosuppressive β1-AR signaling in innate immune cells through chronic SNS overactivation, and MLT, LTβR, and CXCR2 are potential common biomarkers of IFN-β resistance in EAE and MS.

Yee M K, Danish M, Sungjong O et al. Early-life-trauma triggers interferon-β resistance and neurodegeneration in a multiple sclerosis model via downregulated β1-adrenergic signaling[J]. Nat Commun, 2021; 12: 105.

Tumor Immunology Example

Immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) immunotherapy prolongs overall survival in cancer patients, but response rates are low. Resistance to ICB may be due to compensatory upregulation of additional immunosuppressive molecules.

Tim-3 expression in the TME was upregulated in the majority of Treg, CD4, CD8 T cells, M1, DC1 and a small percentage of B cells, NK cells, γδ T cells, M2 and MDSC.

Yang M, Du W, Yi L et al. Checkpoint molecules coordinately restrain hyperactivated effector T cells in the tumor microenvironment[J]. Oncoimmunology, 2020, 9: 1708064.

The effect of lung cancer cell-specific MHCII (csMHCII) expression on tumor T cell recruitment and response to anti -PD-1 therapy was examined using two in situ immunocompetent mouse models of non -small cell lung cancer.

Loss of CIITA in CMT167 decreased csMHCII and transformed tumors from anti-PD-1 sensitive to anti-PD-1 resistant, and overexpression of CIITA in LLC cells resulted in csMHCII expression in vitro and in vivo, increasing T cell infiltration.

Johnson A M, Bullock B L, Neuwelt A J et al. Cancer Cell-Intrinsic Expression of MHC Class II Regulates the Immune Microenvironment and Response to Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Lung Adenocarcinoma[J]. J Immunol, 2020, 204: 2295-2307.

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